Thursday, January 15, 2015

PLEASE reveal your new ZOYA mystery colors 2015.

I ordered mine but it hasn't shipped. My guess is that they are back logged and it specifically states that if there is a high demand then this order can take up to 4+ weeks to fulfill. I am so desperate to know what the new colors might be, I will gladly share once I get them.

This is my current collection.
Starting from front to back (left to right)
First Row: Ziv
Second Row: America, Layla, & Paz
Third Row: Elodie, Avril, Nidhi, Naomi*, mosheen, Jordana*, Elise*
Fourth Row: Haven, Thea, Belinda, the color lock system (mini kit), Bar, dream, & Seraphina

The mini lock doesn't come with the whole set and the stars (*) aka astericks you see next to naomi, jordana, and Elise is because these colors were only limited edition colors. They are not for retail.

With the free mystery shades I ordered Louise, Tomoko, and Jules. I google image my colors before purchasing ;O)
If any of you get the mystery shades before I do, I hope you post them or give me a quick link. Sorry I didn't paint my nails but I will leave that for another review.

I took the pic at night so the light is a little different and my lighting has a strong yellow tint


  1. I anxiously keep checking my Zoya account to see if the status has changed from "Shipping" to "Shipped", hurry up Zoya!! I can't wait to see what the mystery colors are!!

    1. Same here LOL I received shipping info and label was created on the 2nd, unfortunately it hasn't budged since the label was created. I am assuming there is some bad weather going on in OH. Have you seen the colors? They have revealed them on youtube and google images. The mystery colors are Anais, Severine, and Charlott. They are neutral colors (1 black/pewter sheen, 1 similar to jules but more olive in tone and metallic, and 1 khaki colored.) I will post them once I receive them =D
      I have so many colors that I haven't posted yet and it's taking me a while to do them.
